Could he be cuter!?

This past year has been rough, and I have noticed my blog posts have gone kinda south in usefullness and interest, or at least to me they arent quite what I wanted them to be when I started this. So starting February 2nd, 2011 I am going to be blogging alot more personal information. Subjects that will talk more in depth about the changes my mind and body have gone through. Things between obvious physical changes to the deepest intimate details that those of us whom are or will be going through this want to know but dont know who to ask.
So thats the plan for 2011, more scientific and theraputic blog posts.. maybe some steamy ones to ;)

Until then I'd like to elaborate on this post's title "Could he be cuter!?" I am talking about Bear Grylls (left) and Jared Padalecki (right). Bear Grylls, originally from Northern Ireland is the host of a TV show called Man vs Wild. Now I know what your thinking, sure he's kinda cute but really? Bear's sex appeal isnt just his looks but his personality, and his talent. Jared Padalecki, who plays "Sam" in the tv series Supernatural has enough sex appeal simply from his looks. Give me one night, just one night with either of them post my surgery and I'd be a very happy woman. Between the two I actually like Bear Grylls better mainly because of his personality and talent in being able to survive anything and kick anyones butt if need be. Just the kind of guy to protect his girl. Now my wife on the other hand prefers Jensen Ackles (below) who plays "Dean" on the series Supernatural. I have to agree with her Jensen is knee buckling as well but I like Bear and Jared are more for my tastes.

She also loooooooooves Jared Leto, the lead singer of 30 Seconds to Mars, a rock group that started in 1998 but is best known in the 2005-2011 area. He is also an actor and in several movies (right).
Well all, next time I blog should be February 2nd, 2011, so until then XOXOX and a little extra X's for the two gentlemen listed above.