This page below was not written by me but the writter took the words right out of my mouth, I couldnt agree more and felt I should share it with others. The original blog this came from is Kara Christine's blog so all credit goes to her.
Life is to short not to be yourself. Remember that everyone has a right to be who they are, it's not something that other people allow you to get away with, it's a fundamental right to express yourself in the way that works for you as long as it doesn't harm others.
I try to be as gentle, open and kind as I can everyday. I love being around people who are equally open and kind. Looks are so much less important than a gentle, true heart.
I really enjoy my life since the gender transition and tend to have a great time. Definitely trying to cultivate a middle ground, equally content with compliments or insults. I'd be happy if my life showed the world that you need to be true to yourself, even if it's different or considered weird by some people.
One of the biggest tragedies in life is to have regrets on your deathbed about things you never tried. No matter what choices you make, there are always going to be people who disapprove - so the best thing is to go for what you want and be 100% true to yourself without hurting others. Obviously that's the way I live my life everyday.
I've always been attracted to people who are mavericks - unafraid to pursue what they want regardless of what other people think. As a transgender woman, I think this actually works to my advantage as a "pre-screening" tool. It takes a confident, strong person to admit that they want to be around me and those are exactly the qualities I look for in others, so it's a win-win situation.
At this point, I consider myself my own special creation. I am proud of myself for everything I've accomplished. Just about everyone who's really gotten to know me lately has nothing but praise and compliments. Strangers are sometimes mean or judgmental, but that's almost always because of their own hangups or personal unhappiness - I have nothing but love and good wishes for everyone, and I'm going to do my best to always stay that way.
I think the fact that I'm so public about my gender transition is empowering for all sorts of other people. I hope that my example can help inspire others to break out of their arbitrary boxes and truly live.