Ok so the title might be a wee bit cheesy, I conjoined transgender and inspirationally togther.. hey if it works dont fix it! This page is designed to inspire all of us whom are going through this life change as well as for those of us whom arent but are supportive.
Below is an introduction video of Jan a woman from england whom went through this transition from beginning to end. A set of links under this photo are direct links to all 5 parts of her video. Its a little older and the sound isnt perfect but its well well worth the watch. Play the video and if you like click the links below for the rest of it.
Sex Change Soldier
March 20, 2008 — A British soldier who fought on the frontline in Iraq and Afghanistan has had an even harder battle to fight since returning. Ian HamiltonSex Change Soldier Part 1of 5
Sex Change Soldier Part 2of 5
Sex Change Soldier Part 3of 5
Sex Change Soldier Part 4of 5
Sex Change Soldier Part 5of 5
This video is a korean commercial about socks, the actress believe it or not is a post-op MtF transgender.
Next section is something I read on another person's blog, so just to be clear, I did not write this. All credit goes to the original poster but I was so inspired by her work I wanted to share it with everyone.
"Everyone dies but not everyone lives. Live your life in a way that makes you happy and proud. It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been before... to test your limits... to break through barriers."
- Anais Nin
Once in a while I come across a quote that speaks directly to our experience as transgender warriors. It does take courage and strength and character to be ourselves in a hostile world. I have so much admiration for all the brave transgender people who share your stories with the world everyday.
Please remember that we are heroes in every sense of the word, and that our example broadens everyone's mind. Most people live their lives constrained in their own boxes. Our lives help show them that it's possible to break free and be your own person. That is such a wonderful gift to give the world, makes it all worthwhile even when we have to put up with intolerance and ignorance.
I love, honor and respect all of you for having the strength to be yourselves - and I'm proud to stand beside you as an open transgender woman.
Kara Christine
My Secret Self
Today I stumbled apon a wonderful transgender workplace support site called Transworkplace. You can go their simply by clicking their name I just linked. Anyways within this site I found a plethora of information as most importantly this 20/20 video by Barbara Walters called "My Secret Self". The description below the video on the transworkplace site mentioned something about crying, let me elaborate on that... When you see this video if you understand what transgenderism is, if you are transgender or love someone who is.... You... wil....cry. I started crying when Jaz, the first little girl started singing but then continued crying through each family they showed, specifically Jeremy.
Jeremy's story touched me the most because I was able to relate to him the most. Jeremy was a female to male transgender, now although I am male to female, what I related with was the emotions... the darkness.. the cutting. This is a 5 part video by 20/20, its about 40 minutes long total and well well worth seeing no matter who you are. I am posting it here because of how profoundly important it is to me, I will also be adding it to the "Transpirationally Loved" page as well. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.
20/20 "My Secret Self" Part 1 of 5
20/20 "My Secret Self" Part 2 of 5
20/20 "My Secret Self" Part 3 of 5
20/20 "My Secret Self" Part 4 of 5
20/20 "My Secret Self" Part 5 of 5
This is an informative and inspirational video done by TransActive an organization in Portland Oregon, watch and I hope you enjoy.
Next is a video called "Transgender Inequity", I also added it to my page "All my darkness" this video is informative but also very sad but inspirational as well, most definately worth seeing.
The next video is by a vlogger named Grishno, I absolutly loved her videos and thought this one in particular was something I needed to show you all.
Transgenderism - Grishno
Next is my favorite inspirational poster, I hope you like it.