Hi, its me Sara.. again, yea I know shocker since its my blog site. Anyways this page is kind of a fun site but also a little serious. As most of you know I use to be really over weight, I explain alot about it in the "Introduction of my life" page. Anyways this page is about my weight loss, see most transgender go through a significant change.. me on the other hand I am going through the same change plus massive weight loss ontop. I know there are other over weight transgenders out there but none the less we are not as common.
Ok so to start off I'll tell you my starting weight this is what I weighed before my life change... I was 420 lbs!!! If you look in the "Ode to Transitions" page you'll see a bunch of pictues, the first one is me at 420 lbs. Now just to clarify I was 6'4" so I carried the weight better then a shorter person but I was obviously fat.
This page will not only have weight loss updates but also information on how I lost the weight, and just so you know it was all done by me. I did not get a gastric bypass, I did not have a personal trainer, I had help from some appetite supressors and i'll name those later on, but diet pills were not a focus or major part to my continued weight loss. Now I am no where near what I want to be, I still have a long ways to go but as the title says I am the overweight catepillar.. one day soon I will turn into the butterfly I am working so unbelievably hard for.
So starting weight is 420 lbs, goal weight is 200 lbs in order to have my GRS (gender reassignment surgery). Ending goal weight is 170 lbs. Thats a 250 lbs loss... pardon me if I gasp in shock.. wow 250 lbs thats another over weight person!
Well as of April 15th, 2010 I am proud to say I have lost 90 lbs in 4 months!!!
I still have 130lbs left to go but imagine that! 90 lbs in 4 months.. before I started this change I was in a wheel chair! Now I am up and running several miles per day, I look younger, I feel better and the best part is I am better. I am 10x healthier then I was and at 90 lbs weight loss I easily added another 20 years onto the end of my life span.
I want the whole world to know that people need to wake up and be who they are.. dont let society steer and control you, be who you are suppose to be.. Who you want to be!, and to think a year ago I almost killed myself. Waking up and making these changes.. becoming a woman has been the best thing I have ever done in my life (aside from marrying an amazing woman and having the most perfect 3 kids anyone could hope for.) I am happy, truely happy, and not once have I ever had a regret about the changes I am making.
Ok well thats all I have for now, I'll add more later.
Love you guys!