Welcome to Eternal Whispers

This blog is about my life changes being a transgender changing from male to female. It is designed to help others whom dont understand or are curious as to what this is all about, as well as and mostly, to help others whom are going through difficult life changes.

Well I have never blogged before, but with all that I am going through and all my friends and family telling me I should. I suppose they are right, it would benefit me just to write things down but also it could hopefully benefit someone else whom is or will be going through what I am.

Please check out my other pages first, such as Introduction of my life, and All my darkness. They explain the basics, Thanks!


Kitrae said...

Its about time you started a blog! I loooove that picture! But not as much as I love you :)

Eternal Whispers: a gender change story © Saraphiene Haldritch 2010