....to look back apon a reflection.
I see a woman who was made to feel shame for her desires and yet had the courage to pursue them anyway. I see a woman who was forced against her will into boyhood, who held on to a dream that everybody in her life desperately tried to beat out of her, who refused to listen to the endless stream of people who told her that who she was and what she wanted was impossible.
When I look into trans women's eyes, I see a profound appreciation for how empowering it can be to be female..."
~Julia Serano 'Whipping Girl'
This is a quote I have mentioned in the past, a very well put quote that I could not agree more with. Today I want to take a look at the past year. Today is my birthday, my first birthday as the woman I should have always been and the anniversary of my first full year on HRT (hormone replacement therapy). In this blog I will discuss both physically and mentally what has transpired through my transition.
WARNING the content of this post may not be appropriate for all ages. It will discuss very detailed experiences of what happened to a person's body who went through hormone replacement therapy. The content here is not intended for anything but educational purposes.