Phoenix, to start anew
Hi all, sorry I havent posted in a week but alot has happened. Most transgender end up moving to start a new life once they have begun transition, sad to say its sometimes not an option. For me it was moving to Arizona, someplace no one knows me, someplace I wont be ridiculed by people (family) whom are to stuck on the past and unwilling to be accepting. For a life change, starting completely over whats more fitting then Phoenix, the name itself is what I am refering to. Phoenix, to be reborn, and thats precisely what I am doing. To start I'd like to say how much I love Arizona! No more cold days, no more persistant nonstop rain, and no more humidity!! Ok maybe its not for everyone but I love it here. Currently I am seeking support/social groups in Phoenix to be a part of, I really need more friends and I need to get out. I'd love to go to a club with a group or girls and just enjoy the night!
We are still getting settled in and I havent found much time for my computer, poor computer, he must think I am cheating on him.. ok there goes my dry sense of humor. Anyways I'll blog alot more soon, just need time to get settled and then get my groove back. On a side note my hair is gorgious! its alot longer and I cant stop playing with it, I love being a blonde! Also I have noticed considerable breast developement (as if they needed to keep growing) I was a small c now i'm a well fit C and taking great shape! Anyways for anyone trying to get a hold of me remember my email addy is
"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
Love yas!
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