October 30th, 2010

Kill Bill Patrick

Ok I'll start with saying that this post is really going to be nothing more then a rant.  So if you wish feel free to avoid this post, however if you wanna see me rant and laugh at someone's expense whom deserves it.. read on.

Since your still reading let me explain who Patrick is, he's my father-in-law but he's really an immature leech married to my mother-in-law.  No he isnt my wife's father, he's 10 years younger then my wife is.  My mother-in-law whom I love very dearly met this guy years ago online, she was divorced and aside from the age difference which really doesnt matter they were a good match.

Or so we thought... Patrick is nothing more then a whiney immature ass-hat who tries to control everyone and everything.  When he doesnt get his way he throws a temper tantrum and storms off acrossed the house, he stays home, doesnt work though he claims once a week he goes to work.. work is him going to his mom's house or her office and plugs a computer into the wall.  Seriously people I'm not kidding its that bad, otherwise he just sits on his ass at home and demands his wife to do everything.  His wife, my mother in law works 10 hour shifts then comes home, cooks, cleans and tends to his every whim.  Patrick doesnt even put his dishes in the kitchen.. he leaves them around the house waiting for his "wife" to pick up after him.  My mother-in-law puts up with him for only god knows why.  And to top it off he yells and cries if someone leaves a dish on the table while they go to the bathroom.....

See we moved to Arizona to stay with them for a month or two until we got our own place, my first thought and action was that of gratitued and we walked on egg shells for him.  First thing he says when we got here a month ago, literally as we pulled up in the uhaul is "dont get to comfortable you wont be here that long."  Then he proceeds to count down the days and hours till we "leave".  None the less I was endlessly polite to him, I did everything humanly possible to be kind to him, I am not a confrontational person so when things got bad I'd simply go to bed early and cry myself to sleep (lots of stress, but believe it or not this is better then what I left in Oregon).

Now dont get me wrong I am extremely grateful we had a place to go to when we got to Arizona.. otherwise we wouldnt have come to begin with.  The cost of moving was sickening so we've been totally broke since we got here.  But let me clarify my gratitued goes to my mother-in-law, and only her.  Its been almost 4 weeks and I have been polite and quite, never stepping on any toes but now that I am having homocidal fantasies where Patrick dies in many ways... I think its time for me to vent.  Now am I being serious on killing him? No! of coarse not, but I can dream cant I? Well at anyrate everytime he opens his big mouth he sends anger through me so intense my right arm shakes, I want to deck the fucker.  Sorry for my language, I restrained alot.. trust me.  He cant even pick up the damn phone to call in refills for his prescriptions!  He whines and moans about how low his meds are getting (when we actually remind him to take them, kinda like giving meds to a dog.. the dog wont do it them selves and has to be hidden with food.. same situation just about.)  He make his "wife" literally do everything for him except spoon feed and wipe his ass.

Patrick isnt any good what so ever for my mother-in-law, I wish I could do something for them but I have exhausted all I could.. The only thing he has going for him more then some of the people I left in Oregon is he actually refers to me as a she (coarse any dog can learn new tricks) took a good bit on conditioning but he refers to me as anyone should (Sara and she/her).  Which is infinately better then my family back in Oregon whom REFUSED to call me Sara let alone she/her vs he/him.  We wont get into that, my heart still hurts from it all. 

I think god hates me which is why I go from bad situation to bad situation, I have alot going for me such as my wife and kids, and my mother-in-law is a sweatheart.  So in the mean time I'll sleep well smiling while dreaming of many ways Patrick could die from.  (Side note.. havent spit in his food yet...... not going to either because I am not that kind of person but the thought made me smile.)  Well if you read this thank you for letting me vent, if you didnt read this then well thank you for...[enter quirky phrase here].

XOXO to everyone else,  I'm really a happy bubbley person so dont let this rant scare you away, its a great way to get stress, anger, and depression off of ones chest.



Eternal Whispers: a gender change story © Saraphiene Haldritch 2010