Crash of the Titans
Yea crash not clash, gosh my sense of humor is dry sometimes lol. Anyways, hi all!! I'm so excited to tell you all whats been going on in my little world. The in my last post I mentioned the issues with my mom and our plans to move to Arizona, well theres a silver lining to that dreary cloud of darkness. It seems the idea of moving was frightening enough to my mother to have given her a gentle kick in the butt, while we were and are serious of moving its still nice to see her turn the other cheek and start smiling. Being less negative and more compassionate is very much ideal. As far as moving, unfortunately its being post-poned until further notice, apparently I have some sort of ulcer bug that's chewing happy little holes in my stomach and stress only makes it worse.
Stress for staying but stress on moving is not something my doctor is willing to risk, apparently its bad enough she wants me to stay put for a few months and wait to see what happens. So with that on hold I guess I can concentrate on the positive aspect of my external family (mom/dad/etc).
So why dwell on the positive when I can vent and rant on the negative? I'll start with this and end with the really good juicy stuff at the end.
Mom seems more humble, sister (oldest sister but still a year younger then me) is still completely against all of this and she's starting to voice it. She absolutely refuses to call me Sara even though its been 8 months since I started my change. Now I don't expect everyone to be perfect but she refuses to even try, my wife Teresa answered the phone the other day when Rose called and Rose asked for me by my old name. Teresa replied with {old name} isn't here, but Sara is, Rose snidely barked back saying let me talk to {old name} and totally ignored what Teresa said. But Teresa didn't back down she re-explained that {old name} isn't here and that Rose would need to ask for Sara if she needed me.
My sister's kind of a bitch from whence there is no escape, she's stubborn and doesn't give up on anything. She means well when she's compassionate but otherwise she's a direct clone of the dark side of my grandmother and mother. Even my grampa makes the twilight sound (dodo do do dodo do do) when referring to my sister being so much like my grandmother. So Rose barks at Teresa telling her to let {old name} talk to her and let me tell her to call me by the new name. So I grabbed the phone and politely told her off, the conversation ended with me informing her its been over 8 months and she hasn't even attempted to call me Sara. She still thinks this is a phase or I have some severe mental condition that I'll snap out of any day, little does she know the little mental condition I am supposedly to snap out of snapped 8 months ago was called denial in which I woke up out of and decided to live my life instead of walking around numb and half dead.
Ok that's the gloomy guss of recent activities now for the happy stuff! Yesterday me, my wife, and kids went to Oaks Park (kind of a super mini Disney World, emphasis on mini) They have a few really cool rides though and we all had a blast, I rode on an amusement park ride for the first time in over 14 years. The second we got off I wanted back on again! It was great!
After the amusement park we went to lunch and drove home, along the way I spontaneously decided to go have my hair professionally dyed blonde. Its something I've tried once before but it wasn't professional and a complete nightmare. So we went to a salon and told her what I wanted to do, coming from multi tone red and brown colors to a gorgeous natural looking blonde seems like a feat far to great at first. She agreed to try after I signed a waiver (wait a second I've signed waivers before.. right before something bad happened... eep!)
My hair stylist says I can come back every 6-8 weeks to have my roots redone and with that I now have my new permanent hair color because.... damn! I'll never go back to brown, I have the hair color I have always dreamed of having!
Ok peeps, that's it for now. My mom is going to chime in on how much she'll dislike my new hair color but I don't care, I am finally truly happy! So with that TTFN
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