March 17th, 2011

To Kill a Mocking Bird Pigeon

Ok now I love all animals but these little dirty rats with wings are everywhere, I'm talking about pigeons.  In Oregon they were rare/uncommon at best, but in Arizona they are everywhere.  Now they arent ugly, or annoying sounding in my opinion, infact I rather enjoy their cooing sounds.  The problem with pigeons is they shit everwhere!!  Its like dirty nasty piles of snow only.. its not snow!  Anyways aside from the pigeons Arizona is gorgious and I love the weatherm I dont honestly have many complaints.  However what i do have is a monthly update!  Here is all the dirty little secrets of whats happened in Sara's world.

Well its not alot, and unfortunaetly I dont have any poetic inspiration to make it sound all deep but here it is.  My hormone replacement therapy prescriptions ran out this month, and for the last four months I had been looking for a new endocrinologist.  I had to find one before the end of the month when I took the last of my pills, it seemed like every single doctor was either clueless on what transexualism was, descriminant on what it is or unable to take new patients.  Finally a month ago I found a doctor who agreed to take me on but admitted she wasnt completely familiar with transexuality but was willing to learn and do what was needed.  I was rightfully nervous, worried really that after paying the initial $280 visit cost (it turned out to only cost $224 but the original quote was $280 for the first visit) that she'd not be willing to re-prescribe me the hormones until she recieved my medical records from Oregon.  The medical records I had to go to her office to fill out paper work to request it and her office is an hour away from our house.  Anyways I assumed everything negative could go wrong and infact just the opposite happened.  The office was small but quinat, the receptionist and my doctor were both really cool, and my doctor was excited to meet my wife and I.  She was shocked but over joyous that we were still together and that i had such a wonderful support system.

She filled out a new set of prescriptions for the hormones I was already taking right there on the spot and stated she'd like to do some research and see if she cant help me more by finding alternatives to the anti-antrogenous med Spirionlactone I was taking.  Oh I about jumped out of my chair and hugged her when she said that, see the Spirinolactone is the anti testosterone med I have been taking, the side effect is it dehydrates you by forcing water through your system so you have to pee all the freakin time, to top it off you have to drink more to keep hydrated which makes you pee even more!  I love the estrogen but I tell you if I could get an orcindectomy done now I'd jump for the opportunity, hell I'd do it myself if I thought I could without seriously hurting myself.  (Did a little research and while I could ignore the pain, the fact there is a small artery in there is a risk i wont take, I rather enjoy living, I simply need to be fixed in a way that makes me the way I should have been born to begin with.)

Anyways so my monthly worrisome meltdown is over, I have a new doctor who is great and I have next months refill ready to go....crisis averted.

I'll post again this month, I have plenty to write about so check back soon.



Eternal Whispers: a gender change story © Saraphiene Haldritch 2010